Clubs and Organizations
Forensics is a co-curricular activity. This activity is taught as a class during the school day, but students compete in tournaments throughout the spring semester in the evenings or on Saturdays. Forensics consists of three categories of events: acting, interpretation and speaking. Students learn and develop all three areas via specific events and pieces of their choosing. Students must successfully pass HS Communications prior to participating in Forensics.
Sponsor: Kendra Ploutz

National FFA Organization
Ellsworth FFA is an organization devoted to building leadership skills, public speaking and decision making through agriculture experiences.
Sponsor: Kara Quilter
Junior High Scholar's Bowl
Junior High Scholar's Bowl is a scholar activity where students participate as a TEAM answering trivia type questions to earn points. It is similar to Jeopardy, yet the answers do not have to be in the form of a question. There are two teams per school that participates at each meet; a team of 7th graders and a team of 8th graders. Each team consists of five (5) members. Anyone is welcome to join. Team members are changed for each meet so everyone has a chance to compete. The teams usually participates in 6-7 meets from late January to early March.
Sponsor: Christine Slechta
Senior High Scholar's Bowl
High School Scholar's Bowl is an academic team that competes against other schools answering questions based on what students may learn at school, at home, in books, etc. Competitions consist of teams of up to five (5) students answering questions from Social Studies, Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Fine Arts, Foreign Language and Current Events. It is formatted much like Junior High Scholar's Bowl, and is open to all students from Freshman to Seniors who'd like a chance to show what they know. Most competitions are varsity level, but there will be a few junior varsity level tournaments scheduled as well. Practices begin in late September, with the first competition in late October. The league tournament is in late January with the Regional and State Tournaments following right after in early February.
Sponsor: Eric Coonrod

National Honor Society
The purpose of the society is to recognize outstanding students on the basis of scholarship, service, leadership and character. To become a candidate, a student must have maintained a 3.5 GPA average during his/her high school career, must have displayed enthusiasm in service and show themselves to be of good character. Recipients of the National Society pins are recognized nationally as outstanding high school students. Graduates will wear a National Honor Society stole during the graduation ceremony.
Sponsor: Christi Walter
Assistant Sponsor: Connie Weber

Student Council
The mission of Ellsworth Jr Sr High School Student Council is to:
develop better cooperation among students
promote understanding between students and faculty
raise our school standards
provide a student voice in the formation of school policies
promote and recognize student achievement
create the proper school spirit by encouraging student participation in school events and activities
maintain the highest level of good citizenship
Sponsor: Kendra Ploutz
Assistant Sponsor: