
For the maximum amount of learning to occur, it is extremely important that parents, guardians, and teachers work together to create a positive and supportive environment. Parents and guardians can help their child (and the school) in the following ways:

  1. Make sure your child attends school on time every day. School begins at 8:00AM each day, except on Late Start Wednesdays when school begins at 9:15AM. Please note that outside of school hours (7:40AM-3:20PM), supervision is not provided. The playground will be open, but parents are encouraged to discuss before and after school expectations with your student to avoid unwanted behaviors.

  2. Help your child get plenty of sleep; a healthy diet (including a good breakfast); and clean, comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing. We understand things happen, in which case we have a small selection of coats and other items in the office to lend students during the school day. These must be returned.

  3. Be sure your child's emotional needs are met to the best of your ability (love, security, affection).

  4. Keep the school office informed of any address, telephone, and emergency contact changes, as well as any medical changes Nurse Bonnie needs to be aware of.

  5. Support school-sponsored activities like parent-teacher conferences, literacy and math night, school concerts, and back to school night.


illness attendance

Fees Due

Throughout the year, your EES Bearcub may acquire costs for various things. We want to provide you with an estimate for what to expect so you can plan accordingly.

Providing for your student should never be burdensome. If you need assistance for anything, please do not hesitate to talk to the school social worker or principal. There are local resources to connect to.

cost of attendance