3rd grade students in Mrs. Miller’s Reading Groups decorated pumpkins based on a book. Awesome job and very creative!
over 6 years ago, Patrick Schroeder
Book Pumpkins
Book Pumpkins
Book Pumpkins
Foundation prep work is in full swing and almost completed. Slab may be poured on Tuesday.
over 6 years ago, Dale Brungardt
Bearcub Greeters getting our students and staff off to a great start on a Monday! #CelebrateMonday
over 6 years ago, Patrick Schroeder
Bearcub Greeters
EHS Boys XC team is the Belleville Regional Champs and will run at the State meet in Wamego on Saturday. 9th place girls finisher Joni Schroeder will run at the State meet as well.
over 6 years ago, Dale Brungardt
EHS XC Teams
Thanks to all parents for attending the PT conferences and being involved in your child’s education!
over 6 years ago, Patrick Schroeder
PT Conferences