1st Team
Congratulations Lady Bearcats!

EES and KMS students honored our Veterans today with an assembly. Thanks to the HS band and choir for performing. Thanks to all Veterans for your service!

Great to have a DOG at EES today. Thanks Mr. Josh Webb for volunteering your time today!

KMS Scary Stories!!

2018 Mathletes-22 top 10 finishers

EJSHS musical 2018

Strong Support for Junior High Bearcats

Thanks to all the parents who completed the survey for parent involvement at EES. Today, staff reviewed the data during PLC.

Mr. Brungardt led Bearcub Groups today. He talked about how the world needs dreamers to do and create.

Thanks to everyone who supported Operation Gratitude at EES. 154 pounds of candy was donated!

EES is starting a new student jobs program called Bearcub BEST (Be an Excellent Student Team) for 2nd-4th grade students. We are piloting it this Fall. Information and applications were sent home recently and are due back by November 7.

Thanks to Mrs. Rathbun’s HS FACS class for teaching Kindergarteners a My Plate lesson.

3rd grade students presented about various people in our community and the jobs they do. Great job presenting!

EJSHS Halloween 2018

Thanks to members of the EHS Cross Country team for hanging out with EES students and talking to them this morning.

Junior High Basketball Season Underway!

Members of the District Leadership Team met in Salina today to work with other surrounding schools on school accreditation.

Always great to have a (DOG) at school interacting with students. Thanks to Keith Williams for volunteering and an extra thanks for volunteering on Halloween😀

EES students enjoyed the Halloween Parade to local businesses organized by PTO. Thanks to PTO and local businesses for giving our students this opportunity!

4th grade presented their Halloween plays today and did a great job. Thanks to all who attended to watch them perform!