KSHSAA Update: Effective 12/10/20 through 1/28/21, interscholastic activities will allow for attendance of up to two parents/guardians per participant(s) family as allowed by local BOE or health department restrictions.
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
12/12, HS Wrestling Livestream @ Minneapolis: www.youtube.com/channel/UCNKYSH3sWMj3xssKyM-r9JQ/
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
Livestream @ Sacred Heart: *go to www.sacredheartknights.org *click on Knights Broadcast *select the game
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
12/10 JH BB 4:30 PM: Boys (CBA) @ Sacred Heart Girls (BA) @ EJSHS
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
Russell Basketball Bracket Update: 12/10, Thursday *6:30 PM HS Girls vs Russell
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
Bearcats Win! Boys Final: Ellsworth 57 Plainville 52
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
12/7 JH BB Livestream https://bit.ly/2Eh9LaU
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
HS Lady Bearcat BB: Final EHS 33 Plainville 39
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
about 4 years ago, Traci Sallman
First grade holiday project created in Mrs. Keith's music class. https://video214.com/play/b8Lnw37cbKteSuOBvHowyA/s/dark
about 4 years ago, Traci Sallman
Here is our 2nd grade music program video. https://www.dropbox.com/s/j0uh6zrgqiztfsj/IMG_0453.MOV?dl=0
about 4 years ago, Traci Sallman
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/salina-south-high-school-salina-ks/gam07cbea9484 Livestream for JV wrestling morning session at Salina South
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
12/7 HS BB @ Russell Tournament vs Plainville: *Girls Varsity @ 2:00 PM *Boys Varsity @ 3:45 PM
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
Games at RHS (NFHS Network): http://t.ly/IooF Games at RMS (Youtube): http://t.ly/g8zw Russell HS Basketball Livestream
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
Job Opportunity: Check out this link for job opportunities with OPAA! our food service contractor. https://jobs.brassring.com/1033/ASP/TG/cim_jobdetail.asp?partnerid=26579&siteid=7047&Areq=6586BR
about 4 years ago, Kim Whetzel
http://www.nckssports.com/article/1419.php 12/3 Beloit JH Boys BB Livestream
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
REMINDER: KSHSAA Atttendance Policy of "NO SPECTATORS" at High School & Junior High Winter Activites starts: *December 1st - January 28th
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
RESCHEDULED: New Date for High School Basketball @ Lyons *Thursday, 12/17 - 4:30 PM
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis
High School Basketball Tournament Brackets for “Amos Morris Classic” @ Russell Dec. 7-12
about 4 years ago, Ron Davis