Karl Dawn Stover, Ellsworth Junior/Senior High School Agricultural Teacher and FFA Sponsor, was recognized as the Kansas Association of Career and Technical Education (K-ACTE) Young Teacher of the Year award winner, the Carl Perkins Outstanding Service award winner and the Kansas Association of Agricultural Educators (KAAE) Outstanding Agricultural Education Teacher. She received these awards during the KAAE Ag Ed Symposium held in January.
She stated concerning instruction in her classroom, "In the agriculture classroom I concentrate on three main components: information collection, laboratory experiments, and real life applications. Information collection happens in the general classroom. During this portion, we concentrate on note taking, reading comprehension, writing accuracy, and classroom projects. After the general information, we move onto laboratory experimentation. This happens in the classroom, shop, and greenhouse. An example of this is when we test propagation methods, build animal science and shop models, and test welding skills. Moving onward to the top level of learning is real life applications. Shop oriented students design and build their own projects of their choosing. Greenhouse students compete in growing competitions and design their own experiments. Animal science students set up and test their own conclusions on real animals. Business and communication students participate in on the job training and job shadowing opportunities. The agriculture classroom allows students to experience all levels of learning and take it to the next level of supervised agricultural experiences.”
Congratulations Karl Dawn!