If your student has had a positive Covid-19 diagnosis or recent exposure, it's important for you to know there are some specific guidelines you and your doctor can follow to be able to get the student safely returning to sports and activities. If your student is a patient of the Rural Health Clinic / ECMC, they have a Return to Play form they use to get your student back to play as safely as possible. Our athletic department does have the athletes obtain their Return to Play clearance before participating. The following are some guidelines provided by the Sports Medicine Center at Children’s Mercy Medical Center:
CARDIAC SCREENING FOR STUDENTS TO RETURN TO PLAY / ACTIVITIES (PE) POST COVID INFECTION: https://www.childrensmercy.org/siteassets/media/covid-19/return-to-sport/cardiac-screening-post-infection.pdf
HELPING YOUR ATHLETE RETURN TO SPORTS AFTER A COVID INFECTION: https://www.childrensmercy.org/siteassets/media/covid-19/return-to-sport/phasing-process-return-to-sport.pdf
As with any illness, consult with your own pediatrician/physician to find out what is best for your child and to answer your questions and concerns about Return to Play / Activities following a Covid-19 diagnosis or exposure.