
Last week the teaching staff officially rolled out their class lessons plans to students for the first time.  The roll out was the culmination of effort by teachers and their collaboration with others.  Teachers worked with their building peers, grade level peers, and content peers as well as their principals to help develop each of the Continuous Learning Plans for our students.  The district thanks the teachers for the vast amount of thought and energy that were expended to change the course direction of learning in such a short period of time. 

Parents and Students, if you have not been contacted by your teacher, we may not have your correct contact information.  Please reach out by navigating to the following link and connect with your teacher through email if you have not been contacted.  https://www.usd327.org/o/usd-327/staff  You may also call the buildings and they can pass on your current info to the teachers. 

Other items/events from last week include:

  • Wednesday’s personal/school belongings exchange went very well!  Thank you all for your cooperation.
  • Teachers are connecting with students through phone calls, packets, Zoom meetings, Google Hangouts, emails, texts, See Saw, and Google Classroom.
  • This process will continue into the future with adjustments as needed.
  • Teachers are hoping to connect at least once a week with students to check-in on their progress.  At the high school this will be done through the advisory program.
  • The District’s Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) and Waiver was approved by the Board of Education at a Friday morning board meeting.  
  • The CLP was then sent to the State Board of Education for approval at their April 14th board meeting.
  • Skeletal crews are working in the buildings.  Food Service, Custodial, Secretarial, Transportation, Technology, and Administration are all working to keep the students fed, buildings clean, and the district running. 
  • Teachers are mostly working from home.
  • District Office is open on a limited schedule.  The phone is forwarding to another line and will be answered. 
  • USD327 continues to monitor the situation with the help and guidance from our School Nurse and our County Nurse. 
  • Lastly the district is sponsoring a Learning Page in the Ellsworth County Independent Reporter.  Please stop by one of the many paper vending machines across town to pick one up or call the “Indy” at 785-472-5085 to start your subscription.

USD327 appreciates the efforts of all the moms and dads out there who are now wearing the “teacher hat” on top of all those other duties as a parent.  The district knows that you are not certified teachers and realizes that many of you are now taking care of your students all day long while also working from home; and adding teaching to your job description really makes for a full load on your shoulders!  The district thanks you for stepping up and helping us lift a portion of the “new school load.”

The district would also like to thank the students for their flexibility and adaptability to this “new school” format.  Be patient with your teachers.  Most of them have recently turned into a “student” like you.  They are learning many new techniques and methods of teaching.  As you complete your homework tasks, be sure to write down what works and what does not work.  Then when you visit with your teacher, share with them your successes and failures so they can make adjustments that will make them better teachers and in turn, make your learning more successful.

The district urges you to take an active role in your health and the health of others.  The statement “Stay at home, save a life” rings loud.  USD327 understands we all have important tasks to complete – remember, 10 people, 6 feet between you, keep your personal contacts to a minimum and if you are an essential person who must be out, be careful!

Be GREAT and Stay Well.