
District staff meet on Monday morning via the on-line meeting platform, Zoom.  The meeting lasted an hour and half.  In the meeting the administration discussed a variety of concerns, provided guidance, and answered questions from staff.  The Continuous Learning Plan was shared and the message of “less is more” and “less is best”.  These will be our cornerstone philosophies as we move schooling forward in the coming weeks.  Another common message was that we think “win-win-win”.  What we do, has to be successful for the student, parent, and teachers and that we cannot overwhelm any one of these key role players.      

After the meeting, the teaching staffs from our three buildings were tasked with reaching out to parents and students in an effort to make initial contact and also to check-in and see how our students are doing.  We are here to help and will be in the future as well.  

IN CASE YOU MISSED A CALL FROM AN ODD NUMBER YESTERDAY, KNOW THAT IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN A TEACHER.  I am sure that teachers will continue trying to make contact if they have not already.     

The principals conducted meetings with their Building Leadership Teams(BLTs) and with Special Education personnel.  On Tuesday the 24th, the principals will conduct building level Zoom meetings with their staffs and visit with teachers individually.  After these meetings, the teachers will begin the heavy lifting of figuring out how to make our “new education system” the win-win-win mentioned above.  Teachers will work on this task for the remainder of the week.  Our district goal is to make continuous learning opportunities available mid-week next week.   

One last bit of important news is that the District’s Lunch Waiver was approved and starting on Tuesday March 24th, the district with the help of OPAA! will be delivering free meals to students and children age 1-18.  We will do this at three curbside pick-up locations. 

  • 11:00 – 11:30        Geneseo Bus Stop
  • 12-00-12-30          Kanopolis Middle School
  • 12:45-1:15            Ellsworth High School

The meals will be delivered Tuesday and Thursday this week and then starting next week will be delivered on Mondays and Thursdays of each week.  Children will receive three days’ worth of lunch and breakfast on Mondays and two days’ worth of meals on Thursday.   

We hope to see our students at these locations in the near future.  For more details, read the news article about Free Grab-and-Go Breakfast and Lunch on the district website or this link:  

Be GREAT! and Stay Well!