Inclement Weather
School closings due to inclement weather will be announced through the USD 327 notification system and posted on KWCH and KSN television stations, the District website and social media. For the USD 327 Inclement Weather Plan please click here.
Notification System
USD 327 uses a text notification system to provide information on school closings, events and news. Parent/Guardian and student cell phone numbers are pulled from Infinite Campus (IC), our student information system. Therefore, there is no need to sign up for these notifications. Parents/Guardians and students need to ensure their information is correct in IC.
Athletic text notifications provide information concerning athletics at Ellsworth Jr/Sr High School. If you would like to receive these notifications, please complete the Athletic Text Notification Form and send it to the District Office.
School Breakfast and Lunch
USD 327 participates in the National School Lunch Program. Breakfast and lunch are offered at all three schools. Students that do not qualify for free meals will be charged for each meal they take at the beginning of the school year 2024-2025. Families may have their eligibility determined by completing the 2024-2025 Household Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals. Please click on this link to complete this online form. Families may complete the paper application instead of the online application. The paper application is available here. Completed paper applications may be mailed or returned to the District Office. If you do complete the this application (either online or paper), please complete the Consent for Disclosure form in order to receive the reduced textbook/technology fee. Questions can be directed to the District Office.
Meal Prices
Breakfast | Paid Price | Reduced Price |
K-3 | $1.90 | $0.30 |
4-12 | $2.00 | $0.30 |
Adult | $2.40 |
Lunch | Paid Price | Reduced Price |
K-3 | $3.15 | $0.40 |
4-12 | $3.40 | $0.40 |
Adult | $4.50 |
Unpaid Meal Charges Policy (Policy EE)
A charge account for students paying full or reduced price for meals may be established with the District. Students may charge no more than $25 of meals to this account. Charging of a la carte or extra items to this account will not be permitted.
Any student failing to keep a charge account solvent as required by this policy shall not be allowed to charge further meals until the negative account balance has been paid in full. However, such students will be allowed to purchase a meal if the student pays for the meal when it is received. Students who have charged the maximum allowance to this account and cannot pay out of pocket for a meal will be provided an alternative meal consisting of a sandwich, fruit, vegetable and milk.
At least verbal and one written warning shall be provided to a student and the student's parent or guardian prior to denying meals for exceeding the District's charge limit. Access to this policy will be provided to the student's parent or guardian with the written warning. If payment of the negative balance is not received within five (5) working days of the maximum charge limit being attained, the debt will be turned over to the Superintendent or Superintendent's designee for collection in accordance with board policy DP. If the debt is not paid within 10 days of mailing the final notice of the negative account balance under policy DP, it shall be considered bad debt for the purpose of federal law concerning unpaid meal charges.
Payments for school meals may be made at the school or District Office, or online via the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Students, staff, parents and guardians of students are encouraged to prepay meal costs. All meal accounts will be paid in full at the end of each school year. District staff are also allowed to establish charge accounts for meals and will be held to the same meal charge regulations as students, as listed in this policy.
The District will provide a copy of this unpaid meal charges policy to all households at or before the start of school each year and to families and students that transfer into the District at the time of transfer. The terms of this policy will also be communicated to all District staff responsible for enforcing any aspect of the policy, a copy of the policy will be posted in District meal service facilities and the policy will be made available on the District's website and social media accounts. Records of how and when it is communicated to households and staff will be retained.
Student Athletes
Students who plan to participate in competitive sports at Ellsworth Jr/Sr High School (EJSHS) must have a physical examination and signed concussion forms completed annually. Forms must include immunization dates and must be filed at EJSHS prior to participation in practice. These forms are available at here and EJSHS.
Senior Citizen Activity Passes
Senior Citizen Activity Passes are available to USD 327 patrons who are 65 years and older. This pass entitles these individuals free admission to locally sponsored sports activities. Individuals may apply for a pass at the District Office.
Statewide Hotline Information
KS HB25558 has established a schoolwide school hotline that will be staffed by the Kansas Highway Patrol. The purpose of the hotline is to give students an opportunity to report "impending school violence." Student calls will be received by a single statewide Highway Patrol Dispatch Center, then transferred to local law enforcement who will relay the information to the local school administrator. The toll free number is 877-626-8203.
Asbestos Management
USD 327 is required to inspect its buildings for asbestos and to develop a management plan for those asbestos-containing materials that were located within its buildings. These plans are available for review during normal business hours at the District Office. These management plans have been implemented to meet requirements set forth in the regulation. The Asbestos Program Manager is Mrs. Deena Hilbig, Superintendent, USD 327, 145 W. 15th Street, PO Box 306, Ellsworth, Kansas 67439, 785.472.5561.
The three-year re-inspection was completed August 15, 2023.
Policies JGEC, JGECA, GAAC, GAACA prohibit sexual, racial and disability harassment of students and employees. Policy JDDC prohibits bullying in any form. USD 327 will not tolerate any type of harassment or bullying, whether sexual, racial or otherwise. Any student or employee who believes they have been subject to harassment or bullying should contact their building principal, counselor or any licensed staff member. These policies are posted at
Notice of Discrimination
USD 327 shall hire all employees on the basis of ability and the needs of the District. USD 327 is an equal opportunity employer.
USD 327, Ellsworth County, State of Kansas does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to Boy Scouts, and other designated youth groups.
The following person is designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Mrs. Deena Hilbig, Superintendent, USD 327, 145 W. 15th Street, PO Box 306, Ellsworth, KS, 67439, 785.472.5561.
Useful Information and Forms
General Information - Includes general student information, lunch prices, textbook/technology and class fees
Letter to Households - Information on the Free and Reduced Price School Meals
Free and Reduced Price School Meals Online Application - Apply for free/reduced price school meals online
Free and Reduced Price School Meals Paper Application - Please return completed application to the District Office
Consent for Disclosure Form - Complete if you qualify for free or reduce price school meals and would like to receive discount on textbook/technology fees